FOIA Information
Belle Valley School District No. 119 believes in transparency. With that in mind we keep the most common FOIA requested information on this website. Salaries and contracts will be under Board of Education. Other most commonly requested materials are posted right here. Note that we post our school report card which gives you demographic information and enrollment. We also list discipline data going back to 2008. In the file that information is listed by year so all you need to do is download the document for the precise information you seek.
School Report Card Data for Download Discipline Data for Download Comprehensive Employee Data
2008 Belle Valley Student Discipline Data 2008 to 2018 2018-2019 Employee Data 2009
FOIA Request Process for information not contained on the website
FOIA officers:
How to make a FOIA request:
FOIA requests will be accepted by the district using regular mail, fax, personal delivery or e-mail. You should include the following information:
Should additional time be required to gather the information, you will be contacted. Reasons for requesting extended time:
The first 50 pages are free. Any additional pages will cost (.15) cents per page. If color copies are required, you will be charged the actual cost of the copies.
FORMAT: FOIA information requested will be provided in the form which is utilized by the district.
Contact information for the Attorney General’s Office: (PAC: Public Access Counselor)
Cara Smith, Public Access Counselor / Public Access Bureau
500 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, Il. 62706 E-mail: [email protected] (1-877-299-3642)
School Report Card Data for Download Discipline Data for Download Comprehensive Employee Data
2008 Belle Valley Student Discipline Data 2008 to 2018 2018-2019 Employee Data 2009
FOIA Request Process for information not contained on the website
FOIA officers:
- Supt. R. Dane Gale (618-236-5200) [email protected]
- Assistant Superintendent Quennetta Chambers (618-236-5200) [email protected]
- Business Manager Margaret Holt (618-236-5200) [email protected]
How to make a FOIA request:
FOIA requests will be accepted by the district using regular mail, fax, personal delivery or e-mail. You should include the following information:
- Your name
- Your address
- The date and a daytime phone number – so we can contact you should we have any questions.
- Please provide as much information as possible on the subject matter you desire.
Should additional time be required to gather the information, you will be contacted. Reasons for requesting extended time:
- The requested information is stored at a different location;
- The request required the collection of a substantial number of documents;
- The request requires an extensive search;
- The requested records have not been located and require additional effort to find;
- The requested records need to be reviewed by staff who can determine whether they are exempt from FOIA;
- The requested records cannot be produced without unduly burdening the public body or interfering with its operations; or
- The request requires the public body to consult with another public body who has substantial interest in the subject matter of the request.
The first 50 pages are free. Any additional pages will cost (.15) cents per page. If color copies are required, you will be charged the actual cost of the copies.
FORMAT: FOIA information requested will be provided in the form which is utilized by the district.
Contact information for the Attorney General’s Office: (PAC: Public Access Counselor)
Cara Smith, Public Access Counselor / Public Access Bureau
500 S. 2nd Street, Springfield, Il. 62706 E-mail: [email protected] (1-877-299-3642)